Today we continued talking about " people that keep us safe " and included policemen. We didnt get the visit from the policeman as we hoped but he will be here tomorrow at 10:30. It is important to teach children to respect policeman and to trust policeman. We learned that policeman ride in cars, bicycles, boats and even on horses. But to be honest, the kids were still so excited about the visit to the fire station last night that pulling them out of my fire hats long enough to talk about policemen was not an easy task.
When we talk about policeman, I like to include stranger danger. I asked the kids who a stranger was . I got answers like " monsters" and " scary people". I think it is important for them to know that strangers sometimes look and sound very nice. We read the story of " Little Red Riding Hood". This is a newer version . Though I was a little concerned ( the wolf eats Little Red Riding Hood and then a hunter cuts the wolf open and they walk out ) the kids were not scared at all. I was in the room with them and we talked about it all the way through. Everything in life isnt warm and fuzzy and ok. Sad, but true.

We also saw a ten minute video of Little Red Riding Hood. It was an old time cartoon and was not graphic at all. After the video we talked about what differences the book and the video had.
We also made traffic lights today. We read the book about police officers and then made stop lights. I wont divulge which children said... " I saw one of them before when my mommy was going to fast and got a ticket. " :) We talked about the colors and what they mean. Later in the morning I found another stop light that Autum had made by herself. So cool....

Anytime we make a painting we write our own names on there so we wont lose it. The three year olds struggle with this but are getting better.
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