Mondays are usually always hectic but it is a GOOD kind of hectic. Lots going on today. It is wonderful to look around the room and see them so engaged in what THEY want to do.
At first glance one might not think there is a lot of learning going on, but OH THERE IS. Look at this first picture of the shape tiles spread over the floor.

Then you look closer and see how the kids are exploring putting them together to make different things. They are making patterns. They are figuring out space and how things fit together. They are problem solving together.

Small group today was a math activity. We took our numbered Christmas trees and places the number of presents on it that was indicated.
Small group today was a math activity. We took our numbered Christmas trees and places the number of presents on it that was indicated.
Lots of goofy play going on by the boys but hey.. they werent fighting and they had to practice cutting to get that " girl hair " to fit right !
This week I am centering our learning around Christmas and how different countries celebrate it. Today we talked about France. We listened to " Jingle Bells" in French and we looked a various pictures of Yule Logs. Then... we made one for snack. It doesnt look too hot but I bet it is yummy. That is made out of a twinkie and chocolate icing. We also talked about the tradition they have in France of putting their shoes under the tree and when they wake up there are small toys, nuts or candy in them. I totally wanted them to do that at nap time and forgot. Bummer...

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