Post will be sporadic this week. I tell parents all the time how important it is to put children first, so I am doing the same . My daughter is in town this week from Hawaii and only for a week , so I have Mrs Jody working. She loves spending time with the kids so it is a win win situation. Mrs . Jodie had to step out today to go to her daughters Christmas program at school so I got to sneak in a surprise Christmas gift for her with the kids. They loved decorating a plate for her !

Today the kids talked about " The Three Wise Men". They made crowns and decorated them. We watched a story about the three wise men that had camels in shoes and the kids thought that was hilarious. We talked about the significance of the the wise men bringing gifts and that is why WE give them !
I'm so glad to hear you are taking your own advice! I too often find myself guilty of not doing that.