Cutting lanterns is a great fine motor activity and great for teaching how important it is to listen and follow directions. If you dont stop on the line your lantern gets smaller and smaller. I was really impressed with the improved cutting skills I saw.

Mr Randy helped us play a song with the bells today !

Today we talked about Russia and how they celebrate Christmas . I found two traditions that I thought the kids would find very interesting. First they spread hay all over the floor for their horses to eat in hopes that they will grow larger the next year. And second, to wish many eggs on their chickens they go around clucking... yes clucking. I am sure many of the modern families do not do this but I knew the kids would find it funny.

Mr Randy helped us play a song with the bells today !

Today we talked about Russia and how they celebrate Christmas . I found two traditions that I thought the kids would find very interesting. First they spread hay all over the floor for their horses to eat in hopes that they will grow larger the next year. And second, to wish many eggs on their chickens they go around clucking... yes clucking. I am sure many of the modern families do not do this but I knew the kids would find it funny.
Today has been a drama free day - so thankful. The carpet cleaner is coming this afternoon incase there was any bacteria left on the floor from the plumbing incident yesterday.
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