The kids have been out for a few days for snow and icy roads. They were excited to get back today.

Who's idea was it to bring in the styrofoam packaging ? ? The little styrofoam balls are EVERYWHERE and they STICK TO EVERYTHING.

Daniel cutting out his hand. If you look closely you can see styrofoam in his hair

Today we read " The Kissing Hand." It is a wonderful story about a raccoon not wanting to leave his mother and go to school. She places a kiss in his hand so he can carry her love all day. After reading about Chester the raccoon we traced our hands and cut them out to make this predicable story chart.

Today we read " The Kissing Hand." It is a wonderful story about a raccoon not wanting to leave his mother and go to school. She places a kiss in his hand so he can carry her love all day. After reading about Chester the raccoon we traced our hands and cut them out to make this predicable story chart.
Luckily bears live in the woods too so we can still use our bears songs that the kids love so much and tell our favorite stories. Today I used these props to tell Goldilocks and the kids loved it.

Tomorrow we have special visitors coming. You know that once a year I have an inspection or review that looks at gazillions of little indicators of quality care. ( Thankfully they don't check to see if I make up words like gazillion. ) But really.. it covers a LOT . Not only the toys and types of toys I have out but things like language with the kids and health and hygiene . It is so particular that you have to COUNT toys. For instance, there has to be 2 soft toys per child. So, if I have all 16 kiddos here I would need 32 soft toys out. Soft toys are things like puppets, dolls, etc... Usually they just show up - we never know other than a 6 week window they give us. This time the lady in charge called and asked could she come do a " mock" review with two or three others so she can train them. GREAT..... ( Too bad you cant read sarcasm.) I mean, I am ready but those days are filled with anxiety. Everyone want to do their best and that is always the day that if something is going to go terribly wrong - it will. So , with that said, when you come in if you see visitors here you will know who they are. They spend pretty much the whole day with us. If your child is sick PLEASE keep them at home. Every time they wipe their nose they have to wash their hands and the same goes for us... It will be a busy day but I am encouraged. We always learn so much from them.
Till tomorrow!
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