Today was such a fun day! We had a Teddy Bear picnic ! At 7:45 all the little bears came piling in with their kids in tow.

We read the book " Corduroy." It is the story of a bear in a shop that loses his button and no one wants him. Finally , a little girl take him home. I have a collection of buttons. One of my fondest memories as a little girl is playing with my moms tin of buttons. Today I shared that story with the kids an shared my buttons. We put them on the table and really looked at all of them. We sorted them by shape and color and by size. I was even able to show the kids certain buttons that I remember from my clothes as a child.

After all that math we needed to get up and move around and have some fun . I had hid a button. So, we went on a search for Corduroys missing button.
And then it was time for our teddy bear picnic !

Even the teddy bears lined up to go to the restroom.

Even the teddy bears lined up to go to the restroom.

After nap ( which FYI moms and dad's was late ) we will eat teddy grahams.
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