Thursday, September 10, 2009

Run Run as Fast as you can

Today's fairy tale was " The Gingerbread Man" .

We had a mystery reader come it to read the story. CLARA's Poppy ! ( Clara's grandmother ) She read the book and even brought treats. She brought each of the kids a little ginger bread man on a stick for them to act out the story and gingersnap cookies!

Mrs. Beth was on the ball and grabbed a piece of paper so we could graph who liked the gingersnaps and who didnt.

Mrs. Beth was with us today so I could do DIAL 3 testing .This is a basic assessment to see where your child is and gives me an idea of what direction I need to take in teaching. I will be having parent / teacher conferences soon and will show you the results!

From the company Pearson :
Speed DIAL--a fast, efficient tool for screening preschool and kindergarten children

Speed DIAL is a shortened version of Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of Learning, Third Edition (DIAL-3). Speed DIAL helps identify young children in need of further diagnostic assessment, making it ideal for settings such as public health departments, pediatric offices, health fairs, and classrooms. In 15 minutes or less, you can determine whether or not a child is potentially developmentally delayed.

Screens three early childhood areas

Speed DIAL contains ten items from the DIAL-3 screener that cover the following areas:


Thanks Poppy for visiting and reading us " The Gingerbread Man" !

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