These tiny halloween tubs are great for sorting and counting . Sometimes, they are used to other things too!
Bianca playing pretend with our pumpkins .
Shape sorting game.
The parents resource library is now open. Behind the door is this book center. To the left of this is a chart with library pockets and the kids names. If your child or you - want to check out a book you take the card from the book pocket and put it in your child's name pocket. One checkout per child. Also, please take care of these books, they are my classroom books that I just want to share with you. Reading... to your child is SO IMPORTANT! ( There are also parenting books and magazines there for you to enjoy! ) Was that clear as mud?
Today we did a cooperative painting. I painted the green vine and the children added the pumpkins.
YIKES! Spiders in the water table!
Today we were supposed to walk to the fire station to visit with the firemen. It didn't happen . It has rained all day. Bummer. I will try to reschedule .
Before you get that moms scrapbooking night inked in. Be advised, I will have to change the date. I have a meeting the first Thursday of each month. Sorry. I will get with you soon on that.
When you mentioned us coming and you providing pictures, are they the pictures that you have taken of our children this year?