Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Wake up bears!

Ms. Debbie is in Little Rock today so Ms. Beth got to come play!

Today we had a lot of fun learning about the way bears hibernate. We learned they sleep for days, and days, and days, and never wake up until it is almost spring. We discussed how they feel when they wake up, and got a variety of answers (tired, grumpy, cold, hot, and hungry.) We used a blanket to make a cave and then pretended to hibernate all around the room (note:best to use more than one blanket for this popular activity). We played a game in circle time where while the music was on the children pretended to sleep like a hibernating bear (snoring and all!) And when the music stopped, they would hop up and yell "I'm HUNGRY!" Very fun. They loved it, and I knew I was reinforcing the concept. Defintely a win/win. We read the book Bear Snores On, part of the popular series. Bear is sleeping in his cave while other woodland animals come in the cave and have a winter party. Bear does not wake up during all of it, but then when he eventually does wake up (due to a sneeze), he is sad to have missed all the festivities and fun. Another popular spot in school today was the water table. We put ice in it for exploring. They loved it. They all would comment on how cold it was, and inevitably they would say, "I can't touch it anymore. My hands are freezing!" That's the point, kids, that's the point. :)

I took lots of pictures today, but Debbie will need to post them, so check back and see.

1 comment:

  1. WOW.. I love to come home and see the wonderful things going on while I was away. YAY! Mrs. Beth and Mr Randy! Thanks for making me feel good about having to be gone!
