Thursday, February 18, 2010


Another great day. This will be a short post . I am headed out to take Mom to the doctor and Jodie is on her way in. ( I cant even begin to tell you how much I appreciate Jodie filling in for me and making it easier for me to be with mom.)

We did a Weekly Reader today and it was about THINGS THAT GO! I wish I could order Weekly Readers for a year so they would all coordinate with MY plan... :)

Remember the Al's Pal's that I am participating in now? It is a program that teaches children how to identify their feelings and learn to cope with them. Today we talked about frustrating. They mainly think that " sad" is frustrating. I gave them an example of trying to put a puzzle together and not being able to get it right. I said how does that make you feel? They all replied " sad." I explained that is frustrating. After they caught on they started to give me expamples. The number one reason for frustration with them was - " When my mommy is talking on the phone and I want to tell her something and I say Mommy Mommy Mommy " and she doesnt listen. Though it is better manners for them to wait patiently that is a great example of being frustrated. We talked about things we could do when we are frustrated. Great conversations!

I wanted to share a video with you from yesterday that wasn't quite loaded before nap time was over. More of our math experiences.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you are asking such great questions to get them thinking! She knew what she should use the ruler for even though she couldn't remember what it was called. :)
