Monday, February 22, 2010


Today we graphed what kind of transportation we used to get to school. Thankfully it is winter or else I would need to include a bicycle. Rosanna lives close by and sometimes her mom and dad bike her over to school! Graphing is good for comparing and using the terms more and less.

Katie said she was the " audience " for the bowlers!

Bianca and Randy playing at the water table.

It was damp and the wind chill was 20 today so we stayed inside and enjoyed our rainy day toys.

Some of the table activities I added today were :
Color word matching cards with different colored Volks Wagons.
Felt transportation play scenes.
Patterns with cars

This is a math activity. On the paper is a picture of a car and a number. The kids place the correct number of match box cars next to the number.

One of our small groups today was a parking lot game. I read about this on a blog but now I can't figure out which one it was to give them credit ! :( The kids had cards and we drew cards with numbers on them. The kids then parked their car in the right numbered slot. Everyone was a winner!

This is a memory game with characters from " Cars " on it.

For science today we did a ramp activity. What goes fast down the ramp? Why doesn't it roll down? What would make it go faster? Lots of investigating going on today!

I caught Geneviette "reading " a story in the loft.

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