Friday, May 13, 2011

P is for Pig

Randy and I were out in a worksampling training all day. Worksampling is an online assessment tool. But.. I do know what your kiddos did today!

Today the kids were read " If you give a pig a pancake" while they ate pancakes marked with a P on the top in red. The also got to chose a topping - pineapple, peanut butter, pecans , pears, peaches or powdered sugar. Do you see a trend here ? PPPPPPPPP!!!!!!! They also got cook whip but ... well, that was just for looks and taste.

During small group the kids made pigs from playdoh and graphed which topping they liked the best for their pancakes.

Circle time was a reading of " The Three Pigs " and acting out the story. This activity is good. It demands story recall and sequencing.

Another one of our friends became a big sister yesterday. Again, since the hospital was so close Devin and Jodie walked the kids over to help Malia celebrate. I think one of the moms came along to help ! Devin said " the walk went well. Malia was so sweet and proud to show off her new baby. It was so cute. "

Life in a small town is good. Really good.

After nap I think they might have watched a little of Charlotte's Web.

I am thankful for workers that make me feel totally confident that everything will be ok when I need to be away.

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