We have made it to the end of our first week. It wasn't near as tough as some have been. If you have asked your child each day what we have done and they replied " play" . They are correct. Don't tell them but we already did a lot of other things as well !
How to use the art center *** 3 D Art **** The proper way to wash hands *** How to line up *** How to clean up **** What the loft is for and it's special rules *** Nap time routines *** Journaling **** Our first weekly reader ! ****Gate and Door Rules *** Made new friends*** How to let go of mom or dad in the morning and know they are coming back ****
We also sang, and read and counted.... a lot.
Friday is our day for cooking . We try to make sure that once a week we do a cooking activity. The kids were super excited today when I told them we would be cooking. The first group of kids made cornbread and the second group mixed honey and butter for a spread. We will taste it at snack time today. Cooking with kids is a great opportunity to count, estimate, use our fine motor skills and... learn patience. :)
I dont know who keeps leaving me these little notes each day, but it makes me smile. Thanks sweet person - whoever you are. Now.. if money starts showing up you will see me turn flips !

The fun never ends. We are still putting things away from the remodel. We need to have a HUGE yard sale. Tonight I have a webinar for Arkansas Better Chance from 6 -8. Perfect way to spend a Friday night, huh ? :) Next Thursday Randy and I are teaching a music workshop to providers in NWA ... so excited!
Other plans I have with YOUR KIDDOS next week are:
Have our first fire drill.
Start brushing our teeth.
Spend time talking about what goes on in the dress up room.
I also HOPE to get the rest of your paperwork ready for you, schedule the dial three developmental assessments and then after that - our first parent /teacher conference to discuss how the assessments went and work with you to make a plan for the year.
So , here's what you've been waiting on - FABULOUS FRIDAY FLICKS! This is a song that is a favorite of many.
Such cute kids ! See you all on Monday!
How special is a secret thankyou! You've gotten off to a great start with your families as well as your children. :)