Here we are in our second week of preschool. Last week we learned so many things about how school " works". This week we can begin to focus on more things that make up our normal day - LIKE BOOKS! You probably don't know this but I have a resource room upstairs. It is a thorn in my side because I cannot keep it clean , but I LOVE my "STUFF". I have never counted my books but I have many , many.. many.... Today I brought out a lot of books about school and saying good-bye and friends. I wanted these last week but to be totally honest, I couldn't get to them yet. Sigh.... if anyone LOVES to organize and would like to volunteer to makeover my resource room - please raise your hand now !
Do you see the little bee in the bottom left corner of this picture? That is the helper bee. This bee moves down the cubbies. When it is your child's turn to be the helper, the bee will be on his cubby. Sometimes I need a little help ( getting an extra spoon or towel ) and sometimes I need more.
We had our first fire drill today. It was pretty successful.
This week we are talking about something that is familiar for the kids. Our unit is called I am unique. Today we talked about unique and what that means. Audrey told me " it means that everyone is different." We are noticing things like skin , eye and hair color . We started small groups today. From breakfast until 10:30 we have free play. On good days I invite four children over at a time. We do an activity together. It might be reading a book, or practicing our cutting skills, or doing a science experiment. Some kids are not ready yet for whole group instruction. To be totally honest - MOST kids at this age are not ready for whole group instruction. This way I can meet them for a very small time on their individual levels. We made this handprint picture today as a keepsake after reading a book.

We had our 16th friend start today. Cohen was in California the first week of school. He has had a good day. Audrey is Cohen's cousin and helped him through the day today.

Messes? We GOT'EM ! This is how we learn to use the glue properly. Not only that, we learn that making mistakes is ok, we just have to clean up after ourselves.

Did you know we pour our own water after we finish our milk ? Allowing your child to gain confidence by doing things like this also helps them be more confident in other areas of life, even emotional things - like letting go of mom and dad.

Muffin Tim Monday was a bust today. Last week I noticed some rust on the muffin tins . I thought I had enough to get by but we didnt . As of yesterday, they were put in storage for a yard sale. I am on the look out for plastic muffin tins. Not the new flexible ones... I think the ones I need are white and plastic. Anyone know where I can get them ?
We had a visitor come in from the Herald Leader today. She took pictures. I'm not sure what she took them of or why... we shall see.

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