Friday, February 20, 2009

5, 4, 3, 2 ,1 Blast off

Today we talked about ways to ride through the air. I am convinced that my kiddos watch too much TV. They ALWAYS say... a bird!   I would hate to see the size of the bird that I would need to ride. SCARY!

I went to a pre-k meeting at Northside last night. It was really uplifting to hear the principal talk about how they can tell kids  that come  from quality programs.  They also gave us a list of things that studies show as early predictors of child success.  I am proud to say that most of my kids are already there.  Randy and I sang a song there too.  That was fun. It was the first time we have pulled out one of our " concert songs" since August.  ( On that note, if you are wondering, we are up to 63 concerts this summer.  Also, did I tell you Brian Kinder and his wife came by to visit us the other day?)  

One of my college professors said that I wandered in my last paper. WHAT could she mean? Me wander. I think I blog so much that I have adopted that style of writing!  Not  good.. in the collegiate world. 

Today has been a fun day, the weather was perfect.

Randy and I have classes and meetings all day tomorrow. Enjoy our day off!  :)


  1. Are you guys writing/singing new songs this year? Adam was singing and playing the guitar a song about Talula doing the hula. As soon as Todd and I heard it, we decided it was a Randy song! Very cute!

  2. Yes, Lula does the Hula in her grass skirt.... I see a grass skirt in my summer.... should look pretty scary!

  3. how cool that Brian Kinder came to visit? what did you guys talk about? how exciting! I'm looking forward to the next CD by the way - any time soon??
