Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Science !

As soon as the last munchkin left yesterday, Randy and I headed to Fort Smith to enjoy a workshop on science. It was SO good . It also was in line with what I had planned for today and another.. wonderful surprise to experience.

Our morning started with a visit to the hospital to see Emeri's new baby sister. Her name is Madelyn. I hope I spelled that right ! She was so small and so beautiful. What better way to discuss science than see a new born baby ? We talked about how small she was and how much she will grow. Emeri was so proud. And.. I totally forgot it was Rachel ( the mom's) birthday today. Happy Birthday ! What a perfect present.

After returning home we read the book " Little Blue and Little Yellow." It is the story of two friends ( little blue and little yellow ) that hugged and.. you guessed it - turned green. It is a fantabulous way to explain color mixing with my little guys. So, after reading we progressed to do an experiment that Randy and I tried last night. The recipe calls for 1 cup corn starch, 1/3 cup sugar and a cup of water. You cook it until it gets thick and then color it however you would like. Today we had one bowl of yellow and one bowl of blue. Each child took a " little blue and a little yellow" and put in a baggie and squeezed it until it turned.... GREEN! They loved it. The recipe calls for food coloring but coming in so late SOMEONE ( me ) forgot to make sure we had all that I needed. I substituted powdered tempera paint and it worked great!

Just in case they missed it the firs time , we mixed again with paint ! We took " a little blue and a little yellow" and swirled it! After the kids were done, I asked them if they would like to add more blue or yellow. We guessed whether each color would make our new green darker or lighter.

Another thing we did today was a teacher directed project . It is a handprint leprechaun. They learned nothing from this but enjoyed the sensory of having the paint brushed on . Tomorrow we will add a face.

I would say today was a good day.

There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million. ~Walt Streightiff

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